AAVV – Hollywood canta e danza
Autori vari – Hollywood canta e danza. 50 canzoni dai più celebrati films musicali;i favolosi successi degli anni 30\40\50,united artisted. Edizioni Curci
10,40 €
AAVV – Tv Themes
AAVV – Tv themes. Sixteen themes from television series in easy play letter note music for all portable and home keyboards,wise pubblications
20,80 €
AAVV – Favorite tv themes for saxophone book two
AAVV – Favorite tv themes for saxophone book two. Thirty two best loved signature tunes from classic television series, arranged for saxophone by Martin Frith,wise pubblications
20,80 €
AAVV – War songs volume 21
AAVV – War songs. Twenty six nostalgic songs associated with the war years. Arranged for all organs , with chord symbols by Kennet Baker. Home organist library volume 21
20,80 €